

如果你想訂製專屬個人的首飾設計,Blank Avenu有手工金屬線編織,或彩色絲蠟線編織,在Blank Avenu的社交平台:Instagran/Facebook page,裡面有許多一路以來Viola為顧客手工製作的作品可參考。



Blank Avenu

These crystal Cabonchon are I specially selected and bring in, with good quality and energy, they can be purchased directly.

Or if you want to customize your own personal jewelry design, Blank Avenu has handmade wire wrapping or colorful waxed silk thread weaving. 

On Blank Avenu’s social platform: Instagran/Facebook page, there are many Viola previous handcrafted works for customers for your reference.

Please pm me about the crystals you want to purchase. We can discuss your needs and favorite design style through  pictures. When I making the design, I will feel it and convey the blessings to your crystal partners to support you in the future.


Blank Avenu

Crystal carbonchon. 水晶裸石

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