
Handmade designs are unique and therefore will not be exactly the same. 

I will follow the inspiration and crystal to make the design, there maybe slight differences in details. 

Finally, convey blessings to your crystal companions to support you on your journey.

How to customize your crystal jewelry with us?

The design works in this category are reference photos of customized products, which can be matched with the crystals displayed on the product page to customize your jewelry.

If you have special requirements for material/color/size, please note on the order or contact us on IG/FB.

※Singapore domestic mail: After the order is confirmed, the production time varies according to the design, and it can be received in about 7-12 days.

※Overseas delivery: Delivery by post office, postage is extra. Please contact us on IG/FB to confirm the order detail.

Viola. Blank Avenue


也可能會因水晶或製作時的靈感, 而在細節上有所不同喔!



在此目錄下的設計作品, 是訂製成品的參考照片, 可搭配商品頁面中所展示的水晶,來客製化您的首飾.

如材質/顏色/尺寸有特別需求, 可於訂單上備註或IG/FB與我們聯繫.

※新加坡國內郵寄:訂單確認後, 製作時間依設計有所不同,約7-12天左右可收到. 


Viola.Blank Avenu

Customizing handmade necklace. 訂製手工項鍊

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