
About Spark Joy/關於怦然心動

About Spark Joy/關於怦然心動

After watching Kondo Marie's new season. Frankly speaking, when I bought her books, I didn't implement it properly, to I feel the *spark joy* for the items.

This time I decided to sort out the CDs I bought in the past. For me, music is an item of emotional value, which is very difficult to let go. I hope I can feel more clearly and decide which items I want to keep.

After organizing for a few hours, I have a lot of memories come out, and I feel that the speed of organizing is super slow!  !  😂

So I decided to light the *Heart's Candle*. Last time message is: Let every space in my house be filled with love and joy.

Ask it to help me make a clear decision about item stay or not. I was surprised that the fire was so big and I felt so warm and calm for tidy. I hope I can feel my body, my memories, and emotional more, about the items of mine, and then make a wise decision. 

Tidy up is a homework fo face one's own living and life! I hope to achieve my goal: to create a spark joy home!

Viola. 9/6/2021

<About Spark Joy/關於怦然心動>








Viola. 9/6/2021

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