
Soul's Priority - 靈魂的優先順序

Soul's Priority - 靈魂的優先順序

<Soul priority-靈魂的優先順序>

(There's english translation below the article.) 









Personal Journey Candle Link

Viola 13 Sep. 2020

<Soul priority-靈魂的優先順序>

The Personal Journey Candle I just lighted today is a good example, for energy candle will change with the individual's state to help us become aware of ourselves.

 Today I have kept feeling that I want to light  this one, although it doesn't match what I originally thought (my mind)... Ha! But I just trust it~
After the candle was lit, the flame kept bouncing. I wonder why?  Then I looked at the message next to me. It turned out that I had been looking at a certain sentence, but I had ignored the important words in front.  After I feel the front message, then look back at the candle, its fire becomes steable.

 In the end, bubbles began to gush from the bottom of the candle, and they continued to rise, as if something was about to emerge, watching and feeling, this microscopic world is very comfortable.

What's the jumping flame want to say?
How does the spring up bubbles make you feel?
The flame or the whole candle will interact with you in a way that attracts you, perhaps to remind certain things so that we can listen to our hearts.
As long as you are willing to calm down and feel.

🌌What the mind arranges is not necessarily the priority of the higher self.  The mind may not be able to understand, what your soul wants to give to yourself.  🌌

Personal Journey Candle Link 

Viola 13 Sep. 2020

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